ProfExam Creator

This solution includes both the Exam Simulation and the Exam Creator. The latter is a simple and convenient tool for creating and editing your own exams.

Windows 11/10/8
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Exam Creator

Create your own exams or import your existing tests from PDF, RTF, and TXT files

ProfExam Creator - Main window

Visual Editor

Intuitive rich-media editor

Everything is simplified as much as possible, and there’s nothing superfluous.

The built-in text editor looks similar to a regular text editor for Windows, so if you have worked with office documents, you will not have any difficulties.

ProfExam Creator - Visual Editor

ProfExam Creator - Point and Shoot

ProfExam Creator - Hot Area

Exam Creator - Drag and Drop

Interactive Questions Editor

In ProfExam Creator, we have added new types of questions:

  • Point & Shoot
  • Hot Area
  • Drag & Drop

Respectively, we have made some changes to the editor, but it remains just as clear and friendly.

Despite the complexity of the new types of questions, the editor provides a set of functions specific for each type of question, which make the creation and the editing of the question easier.

Examination Parameters

Configure required examination parameters before the user starts taking the test.

Which parameters can you configure?

  • Time allotted for testing
  • Passing score
  • Exam version and date

You can also:

  • Set exam title and serial number
  • Label your authorship
  • Wish good luck to user before the beginning of the examination

ProfExam Creator - Examination Parameters

ProfExam Creator - Import PDF

Import from PDF, RTF, and TXT

You can just take the examination test from a PDF, RTF or TXT file and make it interactive. After the data is imported, the program creates an *.EXAM file, which you can edit and view with ProfExam Simulator.

Import From RTF

Your exam can be transferred from an RTF document to an EXAM project. Simply open the RTF file and then click the import button.

One of the advantages of importing data from RTF is all the formatting and the media from the file will be transferred to the project.

Snippets available in the application will help you quickly and properly add questions to your document.

ProfExam Creator - Import From RTF

ProfExam Creator - Testlets


Group your questions into Testlets if they have a common scenario or initial data.

Testlet is not just a folder for your questions. Here you can specify:

  • Initial data
  • Required data split into sections and subsections
  • Attach images

Respectively, when playing back the exam in ProfExam Simulator, such questions will be grouped, and the simulator will display all the listed details either convenient, human-readable view.


Keep your exams current, don't make mistakes when creating the test.

If one of your questions appears to be incomplete, the editor will let you know about that by highlighting the question with red.

ProfExam Creator - Errors

Exam Simulator for Windows - File manager


Create your own exams, spread them, and earn with them.

We don't have claims for the files in exams that you create with ProfExam Creator. Our team wants to only help you. If you have any wishes or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

ProfExam has NO LIMITS

If you used similar solutions for preparing yourself to certification exams, most likely you faced the problem of the limited number of files that can be opened (per hour/day/week/month).

ProfExam doesn't have such restrictions. Open as many files as you need.


No subscription! Only $49.99! BUY NOW


There are no recurring fees, monthly or annual charges whatsoever.

With the purchase of the current version, you will also receive all updates for that version free of charge, guaranteed.

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